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What Sandstone Capital is all about
Sandstone Capital is a private actively self-managed investment portfolio company LLC comprised of high yielding asset classes of income generating equities, corporate bonds, as well as real estate syndicates. It invests in the public equity markets of the United States.
The portfolio's investment objective is primarily income from dividends in growth and income-oriented equities such as Real Estate Investment Trusts, real estate syndicates, m-REITs, MLPs, and BDCs, as well as distributions from derivative-based exchange-traded funds and bonds.
We do not administer any type of investment advice or act as a fiduciary. Though similar in structure and in nomenclature, we are not an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) or a mutual fund.
You should consult with a professional advisor before making any financial decisions. Content on this site should not be viewed as financial advice or as an offer to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. We are not a publicly traded company. All investment involves risk. Do your own due diligence.
Sandstone Capital is domiciled in the United States near the Palm Beaches of Florida.
We are actively registered with the state of Florida Division of Corporations as a sole proprietorship LLC document number L22000092886 and we are registered at Dun and Bradstreet.
SIC 531210 & 6799
Sandstone Capital is proud to invest in America
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